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How to have successful user adoption after an implementation

With the implementation of a new HR solution, a key success element is the user adoption of the system. In other words, familiarizing your employees with the new system processes, workflows, and functionalities. To achieve a smooth transition, the focus on communication, training and ongoing support is key. Especially for international companies that have to cater to multiple languages, localization, and various support models. As you may already know, this can be a time-consuming and expensive activity.

Even with all the tools that are created for your employees, the information that is provided isn’t being absorbed because it is overwhelming, possibly forgotten in a few days, not relevant or the employees do not have the time to attend all the required information sessions.

With a user adoption tool, you can mitigate these problems by providing increased self-service adoption, improved data quality, reduce support costs and continue to improve processes.

How Does Self-Service Adoption Work?

With a user adoption tool, the employee doesn’t have to search for documents or training videos on your company’s internet or other media. Instead, the employee can use a unified search feature to look for the relevant information within the system they are working in. A user adoption tool can provide on-screen assistance with guided tours, embedded videos, notifications, and learning information that is relevant to the process the employee is working on.

How is the Data Quality Improved?

With guided tours, the employee will be taken through a business process and provided with information and support on how to correctly execute the business process in the system. Validation can be included to ensure better quality.



How Does This Reduce Support Costs?

Using a tool that provides on-screen assistance gives users the guidance and information they need right at their fingertips. This lessens the need to call the helpdesk for assistance. The user adoption tool can also provide on-screen tips and data quality checks to ensure fewer errors are made during a process. The system will become more user-friendly because any non-intuitive areas of the system can be optimized and supported with on-screen assistance. This will reduce the need to create a support ticket or look up guidance.

How to Continue to Improve Processes

The more advanced user adoption tools incorporate analytics functionalities that help analyze processes and provide insight into how much time it takes for an employee to go through a process. This information can be used to solve and improve processes, add additional onscreen information, or rethink the process entirely.


For more information on this topic or any questions regarding HR technology, please contact us here. 

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